Baby Sign Language for Infants and Toddlers


What is baby sign language?

Baby sign is a form of gestures that you teach your baby so they can communicate a specific want or need with you.  Many signs are borrowed from American Sign Language, while other signs may be a simple gesture that you and your baby create together.  What is important is that you and your baby both understand what a sign means, since the purpose is to create a way for your baby to communicate with you.

Why should I use baby sign language?

Baby sign language is a GREAT way to help your child communicate their needs when they cannot express them verbally.

When should I start using baby sign language?

Six months is typically a good age to start introducing some basic signs, such as "want," "more," "milk," or "all done." However, you can even start using baby sign language with your toddler!

Which signs should I start using with my baby?

Use signs that look similar to the idea you are trying to express to your child! You don't need to use the exact signs. It's okay to come up with gestures with your child for an idea or object and use it repeatedly! For example, if you want your child to learn the word "eat" through signs, you can put your fingers to your mouth, pretending to eat food! Or if your child wants to be picked up, put your arms in the air and say "up!" The more your gestures look like the idea/object you are trying to convey, the easier it is for your child to learn. Using the actual signs from American Sign Language does not necessarily give your baby any advantages over making up your own gestures. Your baby is learning how to communicate with you through your own language.

What are the benefits of using baby sign language with infants and toddlers?

Baby sign language can boost your little one’s communication skills and actually encourage first words or new words! Using sign language with your child will not hinder their ability to say words. By using baby sign language, you can actually reduce communication meltdowns and overall frustration, especially when your little one does not yet have the words to tell you what they are upset over. Baby sign also helps deepen your bond with your child, by tuning in to their wants and needs!

For more information about baby sign language, visit the link for our full online course with TinyHood on Baby Sign Language for Infants and Toddlers!

Have you tried baby sign with your child? What signs does your child know?


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