One thing to AVOID when encouraging your child to talk!

Try to AVOID putting pressure on your child when wanting them to talk!

When helping our toddlers verbally communicate, we want to be aware of how much pressure we are putting on them to do so! Oftentimes, we ask our little ones to talk without even realizing it. When we do that, it can have the opposite effect and result in less verbal communication!

Here are examples of “pressure” that should be avoided:

  • “Say . . .” It is SO common for us to tell our little ones to say words! For example, when you see someone you know, “Say Hi!” or “Say bye!” This may work, but how many times has your child just sat there frozen, like a deer in the headlights? That’s because when we tell a child to “say” something, we are putting pressure on them to do so! Instead, drop the word “say” and model the words. For example, you see someone you know, so you enthusiastically wave and say, “Hi!” This allows your toddler the space to communicate on their own terms. If they don’t, that’s ok! They are still learning how to interact with others.

  • Quizzing: When we are with our new talkers, it’s very tempting to see what words they can say by asking them questions. For example, holding up a car and saying, “What’s this?” or “What color is this?” Some little ones may love all the questions and respond willingly. But, for hesitant talkers, this added pressure may push them further away from saying words! Instead, follow your child’s lead and comment about what you and your child see and do!

Read more about following your child’s lead

While it may take some practice, modeling can really go a long way when it comes to encouraging communication! Modeling is when we say or do exactly what we want others to do, without explicitly telling them to do so.


Tips for talking with your little one!


What is my toddler saying?!